I worked at a flower shop for 2 years, and as I look back it seemed like it was 2 years too long. Just kidding, it was great experience and I learned so much about where I wanted to go in my work life and career.
When I first started they hired me as a “Bucket girl”. That means you just wash all the buckets and clean vases. I went crazy!!! There wasn’t a “designer” job open yet, so that’s all they wanted me for. About 6 months in a designer quit and I took her spot. Thank goodness! That was a long 6 months! Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE designing flowers, but I hated doing the same thing every single day. I couldn’t handle it. I got bored fast, but during my time there I saw how a business was ran. Every team member was important for the business to run smoothly. From Bucket Girl to Lead Floral Designer.
During my time of cleaning buckets, I needed an outlet for my creative skills. So, I started designing small knick knacks like flower pens and hair clips and sold them on Etsy. This marked the first time I designed for money! Thank goodness I came a long way since those first couple products. Not sure if I actually ever sold any of the flower pens, and believe me, I wasn’t getting rich selling flower hair clips. : )
I learned so much and was able to develop my style and skills as an overall designer during my years at the flower shop. Thankfully I still get to go back for holidays to help the ladies out! I enjoy floral design, but it just wasn’t the right fit for me in the long term! I’m thankful for that chapter in my life. Little did I know, it would turn into a great learning experience and lead me to the next chapter.